Thursday, 23 November 2017

Spreading delight this children's day!

Our children get to watch the latest movies, play the latest video games and travel beyond our borders. They can eat what they want, almost whenever they want. They wear the best clothes and go to the best schools. 

But, the sad truth is that there are children all around us who experience none of this. They don’t know the latest movies, they can scarcely imagine leaving India and eat what is given to them when it is given to them. Most of them cannot read and those that can don’t go to schools. This is the sad truth, the reality in which we live.

So, to help these children and to make a better reality, we at the Goel Ganga Foundation assembled 70 under-privileged children this Children’s Day, and gave them a day of complete and total fun. They were the sons and the daughters of labourers working at the Goel Ganga Sites. 

They were treated to a Zumba session, a screening of the beloved Disney Movie “Tangled”, a storytelling session where they made up their favourite stories of a tigers, deer and monkeys, post to which there was lots and lots of food for all of them!

We at the Goel Ganga believe that our children are our future in more than one way. They not only continue our work and carry on our legacy, but that they create their own legacy and start their own work; that they change the world.

And we know that this is not possible without the opportunities that the rest of us have, such as schools and books and technology. Hence, we have done and will continue to do what it takes to make these opportunities available to the underprivileged and the less fortunate children of India.

 Why? Because a better future for our young ones is our #IdeaofIndia.

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