“OOOH! The earth is warming up!” an organization shouts.
“The polar bear is dyyyyyyying!” another organization
“The polar ice cap is melting!” says another.
Well, like it or not, they’re all right. The earth is warming up, the polar bears are dying and the ice caps are melting. And, like it or not, we are
responsible for it all. Responsible for the filth in our rivers, the poison in
the air and the industrial-strength plant drugs in the ground.
And only those responsible can bring about change.
So, it’s up to you to cool the earth down, to save the polar
bears and freeze the ice caps. But, before you board a plane for the North Pole
with a defibrillator and a fridge, maybe you could start simple with this
Start with celebrating Ganeshotsav in a clean way. I mean,
would the Elephant God want to be immortalized in that disgusting POP? Or would
he rather be immortalized in simple clay, molded with loving hands instead of
cold molds?
Would he rather be adorned with cheap plastic flowers, and
thermocol or the real, vibrant, fragrant beautiful flowers?
We often forget in our haste to give Ganpati his best
Ganeshotsav yet, that simplicity and simple designs are often the best and most
beautiful ways of celebration. But more than that, our country has 1.5 billion
people, out of which hundreds of millions celebrate Ganpati, so think about all
those plastic decorations and thermocol that go to waste every single year,
only to be replaced the next year.
Think about those millions of POP Ganpatis sitting, now
still, at the bottom of the oceans and rivers in which they were immersed. And
it is not only the POP, it’s the paint. All the colors used on the idols are
filled with chemicals, which typically are not meant to be mixed in water
bodies, for the fear of mass poisoning of said water body.
As a result of this mixing of chemicals and the water
getting polluted with POP bits and bobs as the water erodes the idols, our
oceans and rivers are becoming far less habitable for life. Reefs go extinct in
the blink of an eye, the fish can’t breathe and their gills can no longer
successfully harvest the oxygen from the water.
On the one hand, we have this method of Ganeshotsav
celebration. Harmful and poisonous.
Then on the other, we have clay idols and organic paint that
mix seamlessly with the water and go back to where they came from. They are
more than just eco-friendly. They are eco-bestfriendly.
So, here’s some food for thought.
No matter what you do, you will have fun. No doubts. But, will you make the poor fish pay the
price of your having fun? Or will you do the honorable thing, and have fun but
just make sure no one has to pay the price, least of all, the poor fish who
don’t understand why they’re dying.
We at Goel Ganga Group do our best to celebrate festivals in
the most eco-friendly way and so this year is no exception!
Do come visit any of our sites with your family.
Together let's
make this Ganeshotsav , Pure Delight!
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