We were
delighted to host Pujya Swami Siddeshanandji from
the Chinmaya Mission for an iParent session at our project, Ganga Legend!

iParent sessions are an important initiative undertaken by GGF's school, GGIS, where parents and speakers share a common platform and have an interactive session. This is a Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative to help parents,teachers and students at large!

The session was organized at the new GGIS ATHA Bavdhan campus at Ganga Legend on the 3rd of February 2018.

Swamiji teaches the Geeta, Upanishads & Sanskrit in a very
powerful, yet simple manner. He believes that a strong mind alone can pursue a noble
goal & reach it.
The topic of this iParent session was 'Inculcating values from childhood' and 'The reasons behind our cultural beliefs & rituals'. Swamiji shed light on the importance of setting good examples for children. Children are extremely impressionable and observe their parents very closely, he says, and thus it is important for us as parents to set good examples for them.
The topic of this iParent session was 'Inculcating values from childhood' and 'The reasons behind our cultural beliefs & rituals'. Swamiji shed light on the importance of setting good examples for children. Children are extremely impressionable and observe their parents very closely, he says, and thus it is important for us as parents to set good examples for them.

session was made more special with the presence of students of GGIS Atha along with
their parents residing at Ganga Legend in Bavdhan!
Swamiji emphasized the importance of spending time with children. He advised the parents to take time from their busy schedule and engage with their children on a daily basis. The importance of observing child's behaviour and teaching him to differentiate right from wrong was another highlight of the evening.

Swamiji shared his profound knowledge on inculcating values in children from childhood and also the reason behind our cultural beliefs and rituals. He also shared the importance of having 'Saiyam' i.e. self-control in life.

Parents checking out the book collection after the session
The session was an enlightening one for both parents and children as Swamiji laid special emphasis on the importance of values in life!
"Our values help us grow & develop in order to create a future we
want to experience"
The evening was a great success, with all who attended the event appreciating this initiative and opportunity of interacting with Swamiji, Ganga Legend residents, parents, and the teachers and dignitaries from GGIS.
We look forward to more such events!